Ender's Game: Formic Queen
Early Formic Queen Design.  There was concern that she looked too "new and pretty",  Subsequent design explored making her more aged.

Early Formic Queen Design. There was concern that she looked too "new and pretty", Subsequent design explored making her more aged.

The Queen's deflated egg laying abdomen was intended to depict her now barren condition, it was also meant to evoke a Victorian bustle.

The Queen's deflated egg laying abdomen was intended to depict her now barren condition, it was also meant to evoke a Victorian bustle.

Some older work here, but I'm still proud of it. I had a great time working with my friends, Production Designers Ben Proctor and Sean Hawoth, and with Gavin Hood (one of the most creatively generous and collaborative directors I've worked with). That and I got to live in New Orleans for a few months. Fond memories.